Honoring the Journey of a Pastor: Tribute to Franklin Peterson


Sunday - 10 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 12 noon and 7PM Bible study

Today we honor pastor franklin peterson jr

  Faith United is a blessed people for many reasons, one of which is our gift, Pastor Franklin Peterson. We thank God for appointing and annointing this great man of God to lead our local assembly. He has the heart of a Pastor- caring and praying for each of us; the wisdom of a Shepherd - watching out for our wellbeing, and discernment of an Teacher - consistently and unapologetically teaching us the Word of God. 

   Won't you take a moment to share with Pastor and Lady Peterson some words of encouragement, a funny story, a time when you have been helped or simply congratulating them for 28 years of Kingdom building. Pick any/all of the topics below and add your comments....

Pastor has been there for you, remind him how....

by: FaithUnited Baptist



Share a funny story or a time when you have been helped or blessed by the ministry of Pastor and Lady Peterson

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Congratulations and Words of Encouragement

by: FaithUnited Baptist



What would you like to share with Pastor and Lady Peterson?

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